Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The start of a new season/semester

In my last entry, I talked about how I finally received my dream(?) job. I started teaching last week, and I am loving it! I have 2 great groups of students, totally approximately 52 students. I think we are going to have an excellent semester.

I am also taking my final two classes in my Master's program. One of these is health communication, in which we are actually putting on a health campaign. Not a simulated experience like most things that happen in graduate school, an actual campaign that we will present to the university at the end of the semester. Its a totally exciting, new experience that I am so glad to be a part of.

I am also taking a different version of a course I previously took, intro to cultural studies. I consider myself a cultural studies scholar, and love learning about it. Between those two classes, I am going to have a great semester.

It is almost time, also, for a new season of TV. I didnt end up getting to recap as many shows this summer as I would have liked, so I am starting fresh here. I plan on recapping:

Amazing Race
The Biggest Loser
Big Bang Theory

I may also select a few other shows once I establish what all we will be watching this season.

Something truly exciting about this fall's TV season lies with Biggest Loser. On this show, with the cast just announced, there is a gentleman from right here in North East Indiana. His name is Mike Danley. He is actually married to my elementary school science teacher, and was my sister's DECA sponser when she was in high school. He is awesome, and I regret never getting to meet him when my sister was in school, but he is the only one I am rooting for this season!

On Survivor this season, we have the returning cast members of Coach and Ozzy. Ozzy has been one of my favorites since he was first on Survivor, in the Cook Islands. I cannot wait to see what this season brings on Survivor, the last couple have been absolutely crazy.

Finally, the Amazing Race, which we are still waiting on the cast list for. I will edit with my thoughts when that comes out!

In all, I am glad that the semester has started, and I can not wait for the fall 2011 TV season to launch. I also am glad to have anyone who is reading join me in discussion and analysis of these shows!


  1. Out of all the shows you posted. Big Bang Theory is pretty much the only one I can comment on.

  2. What are you watching live these days?

  3. I have gotten completely addicted to Law and Order SVU been over running the DVR with reruns from USA. So I have stopped recording them. Also, I like Law and Order UK on BBC America. We have been watching America's Got Talent and whatever else catches our fancy, but I am ready for the new season, not so much for the new shows as if you read my posts, I hate just about everything coming out. LOL

  4. I meant to put this as a comment on your blog...but guess I forgot to put in the little "code" before I closed the browser...all of SVU is available on Netflix, if you are still using that :)

  5. The reduction in pay and rise of living made us cut back on things so Netflix was one of the first things to go.
