Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Another ReIntroduction - I need to stop waiting three years between posts

In early 2016, I started writing again. And I wanted to start writing again, but then some stuff happened. The kid in the previous post went home after a crazy spring in 2016. We sold our first house in 2016, and then went on a whirlwind trip with our student and his family in early June. After that, I sunk into a pretty deep depression for awhile. I didn't really realize that's what it was at the time, but after I came out of the cloud, I realized that was what had happened. We had spent 3 years thinking of almost nothing but our student, and then he was just...gone.

In Fall 2016 nothing notable happened, and in Spring 2017 I taught at a local high school, teaching dual credit. My students were amazing, and I really enjoyed it, but I also knew as a result that working in high school was probably not for me. But, my job search had stalled, so I decide to apply for a second Master's in School Counseling. I got in, and took my first classes in Summer 2017. As it would happen, the job I had wanted in 2016 opened again, and I got my first academic advising job during those first classes. With that, my journey toward a second Master's ended, at least temporarily.

I have been in my role for about 16 months now, and I know it is where I am supposed to be. This summer, because we have more money due to my now having an ACTUAL career, I started going to art classes with a good friend of mine. We have been making wood signs together, and that actually has resulted in me buying a Cricut, a heat press, and working on Christmas gifts for family. So, this blog might take a little bit of a turn towards crafting. I have found something that really relaxes me, and it is something I want to talk about.

I'll talk about more of what has happened in the last couple of years in future posts, and I am glad to get back into this!

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